Monday, April 2, 2012

Module 13

This was a very interesting course; I can honestly say that it makes me look at things in a whole new light. There were points in the class that the reading really played on my fears as a mother and a wife, it made me stress about the world that my children and grandchildren will be living in. However, the reading also made me see that we can not judge the future as if it was today. I find this very refreshing, remembering that the world as we know it is changing that what is most important or influential today may not be that in the future. Thinking about the fact my own mother had these fears, but she worried about us not having manufactoring jobs. my children and grandchildren will have their own challenges and worries but I know they are going to be about things we are only dreaming of today.
I really enjoyed learning about how off shoring and outsourcing actuall works to benefit all of the people invoved.
Our fears of the unknown have great power over us as people. We listen to the radio and TV shows talk about the doom and gloom we face in the future, I have had many conversations expressing fears with friends about how they feel America is at a great disadvantage because of this new option. I now understnad that this is not the case, we are actually at an advantage, anyone can now use the best resources around the world, to be the most effective as they desire to be.
"Why the future doesn't need us", was very challenging to get through for me. I don't know if it was just too deep or if the message that was being shared was just to scary to think about. I have great hope in the human race; I also have grear fear in the capabilities gone awry.
I enjoyed reading the story of " A Logic Named Joe", I found it intriguing that the ideas that we read about in the story, are things that to a degree we use in our daily lives today. it just reinforced what I have always been taught, we are driven by our dreams. What we dream of today will be our reality tomorrow. As much as I enjoyed reading about the similarities and found the story of Joe entertaining, I could not help but remember that fact when I read about GNR technologies. I am grateful that Bill JOy had the same anxieties about the dangers we are facing in the future. I do appreciate the way the class material was presented to us. I feel that it gave us the information and or tools to be able to thoughtfully think about the information, and be able to ask thoughtful questions in the future.