Sunday, February 26, 2012

Module 8

the easy access to the computerized world we now live in is the direct reason that I am now continuing my education.
I am a 35 year old mom of five who lives in a rural area. I am lucky enough to have a full time job. Before the world went flat I would have never had the time to drive the hundred miles to college daily to attend six hours of class a day or even a week. However, I now get to reap some of the benefits of this new flat world.
The easy and  affordable access has allowed most colleges now offer online courses. I now log on to my online account, where I find my courses. I get to have a college experience from where ever I log on from.
I get the college education with out having to put in the person to person time.this is a life changing opportunity,that is incredible.  
Working with computers on has been a daily accuracy since I was a senior in high school, (1994) I can say that when I was waiting for my computer to dial up to Netscape I  never imagined that the computer or Internet would play such a Vital role in my life not only in a work place environment, but in ever aspect of my life. From the car I drive,the phone I talk to loved ones on. The way I get my new,tv and now education.I not only access the direction in my classes, I read most  of my coarse books online from my computer. I write my papers on my computer. Submit then to my online blog from my computer. I have a program that allows me to write on my iPad, using a app that stores it as a corse note book on my iPad. I no longer need to use paper note books.I can only imagine what what's next to come from and to our flat world.

Module 7

Module 7
Why are some countries or regions better at doing something's than other countries or regions?
I believe that it boils down to how hungry that country or region is. How bad the masses want a better life. 
Take China for instance a majority of the people have lived in such a stifling environment that they were just waiting for a chance to spread their wings. China has Such a hunger that has been growing for generations. They're like the water pushing agents a dame,once they find a minuet crack it rushes through with great force at first, trickling down to be a constant familiar flow.
On the other side you have Mexico, although they have layers of people that are suppressed they have a top layer that are living their ideal life. This difference makes it impossible for them to feed their hunger.
I believe that all countries or regions are capable of doing great things, it all depends on the wisdom , knowledge and willingness to work together for change.
What is self-directed consumers? Why that would be me. I want to feel that I have a say in every aspect of my life, I don't want to have someone tell me that I am limited in anyway, the more a company makes me feel like I'm in control the happier I am. I related to the story on about the photographer. I'm a proud mom that thinks her children are the cutest things ever to grace this world, I love to take pictures of everything then I can upload them using soft ware that totally agrees with me.allows me to adjust them or it will do it for me. The days of the red eyes and blurs are long gone.

Does globalization mean Americanization? 
In the beginning that is what globalization meant.
We are the ones that have castes the longest shadow for quite some time. As globalization has evolved it has now morphed in to a passion for people in all of the lands to become the best they can be using the help of the rest of the world. They are now unwilling to be limited by Someones else's idles of perfection.they want to create their own shadow. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Module 6 What is free trade? It is the act of the world Interacting and doing business together. I think that the overall process is kind of like watching a baby Giraffe walk for the first time, exciting, scary ,promising and such an amazing wonder to be able to watch. I can say that I have never once thought about how an adult Giraffe learned how to walk, or the struggles they may have faced. I am always in awwh of their agile grace. I believe that this is how this new flatted free trade will be looked back on. WHAT SKILLS PERSONALITY TRAITS MAKE A “NEW MIDDLE”? I live in a small town, in an even smaller community. You can not go to the gas station, mercantile or feed store with out, spending time doing what I call solving the worlds problems or shooting the breez. Having the talent to be able to relate and get people to open up and share their thoughts with you that was not lost with the door to door salesman. I want someone that is quick and efficient but I also want someone that leaves me with a smile at the end of our interaction. When your looking to give or hire a company and you have narrowed it down to the most efficient and effective company if your contact is someone that you find you don't like or that makes your head ache when your done dealing with them, that will always stay with you. This makes you open for other options. However, if you have a sales contact that you deal with even in short interactions, that leaves you with a smile, you will not be so easily persuaded to try another company.  This basically simmers down to CQ-PQ-IQ, it fuels us to want to be successful in our passions.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Module five: What is the Triple Convergence ? The convergence of the ten flatters. They built the new platform that we all play and work on today. The affordable options for accessing the new flat world platform. We are no longer Limited in our access to information, or in options of sharing our opinions,desires, wishes,and dreams.  The second convergence is made up of everyone's creativity and their desire to work smarter not harder while making and saving money. The app world is a perfect show case of this, where else can you find a tool that will tell you the local weather, count your calories or your money or if you have an extra minute an app that will let you squish bugs. The Third Convergence is the ability for you to full fill a need,by the best most competitive resource around the world. Who was the exploiter or exploited,that is an intriguing question,that I could not see the answer to. The answer that I came up with was that the state of Indiana was letting their fear of change control them. If they would have taken a less emotional approach to the task at hand they could have figured out a way to save the 8 million in taxes, while encouraging and fostering the hiring and training locals, that the India based company had planned to use.this would be a double bonus for the people of Indiana.  What is intellectual property and why is it important? Intellectual property are the products of the creativity. They are so valued be cause they are the result of the creators hard work, while most people want to share their inventions, they also want to get created and composition. If people in general start to feel that they Don't get due created for their hard work they will lose their desire to share freely. We will end up in a controlling ridged environment.