Sunday, January 29, 2012

Module 4

The job interview I researched was for a tow truck dispatcher, what dos being a dispatcher have to do with computers you might be wondering. Well another company I have learned that has gone flat is AAA.they happen to be the major contract of a local towing company, they have taken a hands on face to face line of work and flattened it.  You no longer call 411 ask for a local tow company,then hand your tow truck driver your insurance card or credit card. AAA came to the owners of the local tow company and introduced a technical way of doing business. They have installed gps units in all of the tow trucks, through this system not only can the dispatcher monitor the tow trucks that are on duty, through a large screen tv screen that takes up a wall in the office. AAA’s operators can also pull up and track the trucks. this allowed AAA to outsource all of their operator needs to their office in California. Now when you call for AAA, and request assistance anywhere in the united states your talking with a call center employee in california, they then pull up the location of the local tow trucks and a sign the call to the gps unit that is located in the closest truck, they can speak directly to the drive through this system. This allows everyone to track the actual miles of the call, the location and what equipment is required. If being a dispatcher is something of interest now, when you walk in to a impound yard office it is a room full of computer screens, one shows a map of the area and blinking trucks. Several have live camera feeds of the yards the other are the computers that are being used to input the ticket information once the drivers have completed a call, they may be entering in the information in to AAA’s main billing system, or the DMV information if they have removed a car or completed any number of police requested calls e.g. DUI. It is no longer a person to person position, it is now a person to person via computer. I really liked seeing that all of the drivers have smart phones they all upon arrival to a call walk around and video the site, then send it back to the dispatch they store it with the calls information, if there is a question they can simply click it up and review, I thought the was very 3.0.


  1. Great info on AAA here. I guess that I never really thought about how technology could be used for AAA, sounds like they're doing things right in line with where the industry is going. I find it amazing that they can source their phone support to one office and the customer won't see a hiccup in the service. That is a great use of technology to relocate the phone suppor there. Good work!

  2. Wow, that is great info about AAA! I never knew they had flattened themselves so much! I think this is a prime example of what Friedman discusses in what businesses should be doing to keep themselves viable at this time.

  3. Yet just another example of a flatten world!!! It crazy to see how computer help each and every single industry. This is another example of why everybody should have a little computer understand. I wondering if "North Star" Technology can start the chain of events if someone was hurt???
