Thursday, January 12, 2012

Module One:

Module One:

 Globalization 1.0 was the opening trade between the old world and the new world by Christopher Columbus from 1492-1800, this was the globalization of countries. From this action sprang the idea that if there was a market for something on one side of the world, and a natural supply on the other side of the world you could make a profit by shipping them back and forth. I believe this was where the phrase “One mans trash is another mans treasure.” started from.

Generation 2.0 was the globalization of companies. This can be described as the era of muscle power, horse power, and wind power. Your success was made by the strength of your back and the speed of your feet. The fall in the cost of shipping and the cost of communications are the defining keys of this generation. This was where the ideas of  great leaders were brought to life. The rail road for example, you take the ideas of  great people the hard work and determination of thousands, gave us the another step toward a flatter country and a globalized company.

Globalization 3.0 is the power of individuals to collaborate, create and compete globally. With the new access of digital information, you are only limited by yourself. I think that a great example of this is ETSY, you can shop for anything you can imagine and so much more made and sold by individuals all over the world. I believe that we are just at the beginning of the great change too, I can only imagine what the world of business, information and education will be for my grandchildren, I have already seen the change from when I was in school to now that my children are in school. I had to look up information from the encyclopedia Britannica; my children have to choose to read through many different sources of information. They can also Google earth a destination and view it while sitting at the kitchen table.  

The falling of the Berlin wall meant to Friedman, that we all had a new view of our world as a whole. There were no walls, impeding one part of the world with another. It was the mixing of all of the previous generations, you can now have companies competing for a customer from any land around the world, and you can be an individual selling a product to anyone around the world from any where around the world, there is no need to go through the big corporations any longer.

Netscape was the vehicle that allowed everyone’s ideas to be shared effortlessly. Effortlessly being the key world, now my 5 year old can got my I pad and Google princess’s and have a version of princess everything you can ever imagine, in a mater of seconds.
We can go to web M.D.  Search the symptoms of what ever might be bothering you and get back a list of possibilities. I remember when we got our first computer in 93, you would know there was a way of getting information but not always know how today, you just enter the word or a description of the an idea and you are giving a  plethora of information.

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